Food Safe Flooring

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Food Safe Flooring

Food safe flooring is among many recommendations for proper food manufacturing and processing as imposed by governmental regulations. Food manufacturers are always working to ensure that the process of getting food and beverages to the market and to consumers is safe. They ensure to prevent pathogen growth and enforce hygiene routines among workers.

Epoxy flooring is a great way that they keep food safe at the production base. Resinous flooring systems like cementitious urethane are pivotal in these establishments as they can withstand the environment and heavy traffic. Epoxy flooring can resist cracks so that dirt and moisture do not breed right where food is processed.
Dr. Epoxy can help choose the best flooring systems for food processing units. If you have a flooring in mind, we can help you install it.

Factors to Consider
If you are looking to install flooring for a food facility, you have to consider a few things.

Pathogen Growth
If the flooring is not properly done, it can become a safe haven for microbes. This is detrimental to food safety. Resinous flooring such as cementitious urethane and epoxy are easy to clean and structured with sanitation techniques in mind. For example, they can be installed so that the floor's slope is directed towards the drain. They could also have an integral floor-to-wall core base. This supports hygiene and cleaning.

The flooring system must be able to withstand constant activity from heavy duty machines, food processing equipment, and foot traffic. The floor must have the needed strength to withstand the pressure and must be high impact resistant.

Resists Slips and Falls
Resinous flooring systems like epoxy and cementitious urethane are slip-resistant and ensure that people working around the facility do not fall.

Keeps Moisture Away
Food processing can involve continuous exposure to moisture. Resinous flooring can resist high moisture and are great for these facilities. These floors can withstand water, moisture and steam.

Temperature Change Friendly
Food processing involves exposure to extreme heat and changes in temperature. Cementitious urethane floors are resistant to these conditions and can withstand thermal shock.

At Dr. Epoxy, we have the perfect floor options for your food and beverage processing facility. We help carry out installation in South East Queensland region and provide unmatched flooring services for food manufacturing companies.